HI David,
I had my first service on the GT TDI done @ 7,500 by the VW dealer. I did however have to have the oil changed in my son's Comfortline as the wrong grade of oil had been used by the dealer we purchased it from (a Toyota dealer in Melbourne) and when we had it shipped up to NSW I had it changed at my local mechanics workshop and as it was his first oil change on a Golf, he allowed me into the workshop to watch the procedure. I can tell you that the first thing you will need to do is get the car up off the ground a bit to give you enough clearance to get underneath it. You will then need to remove the plastic splash guards to enable access to the sump plug. At the front of the car from underneath you will see a hex shaped nut which if you undo that one you will actually be undoing the base of the oil cooler (from memory) which is not really necessary but at the same time, it does hold a fair bit of engine oil which if not drained from that point will only mix in with the new oil once it's put in. The actual oil filter is accessible from the top of the engine at the front and the setup looks pretty much identical to the oiler cooler (a hexagonal nut) You will need to remove the plastic engine cover first which should just pop up if you lift it gently at the holding points. The oil filter itself is an open cartridge filter which fits inside a canister with the hexagonal nut making up the lid. It might sound confusing but once you see it you'll know what I mean. It is pretty messy so be prepared for that and from what I've read before it is very important not to cross-thread the hexagonal nuts when reassembling things. Just make sure you use the correct grade of oil because I can tell you first hand if you don't it will probably smoke like a chimney, the Comfortline did, as they had used 20w50 or 15w40 Toyota diesel oil in it. Once the correct grade was in it ran perfectly. Hopefully this will give you an idea anyway, so have fun![]()