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Thread: Mk1 GLD 1979

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Mk1 GLD 1979

    Unfortunately due to life circumstances I need some money and have to sell my Mk1.

    It's a 1979 GLD which can be seen in a bit more detail on my thread The Red Baron.

    The Lowdown

    - Totally stock
    - Currently on club rego
    - Body is straight
    - No structural rust (couple of small surface spots on the roof)
    - Runs fine
    - Starts first time
    - All electrics work
    - 252k km, however the speedo shows the car is going faster than it is, so real Km's are most likely lower
    - Pirelli's with plenty of tread
    - Books
    - Spare keys
    - Comes with a folder with 15+ years worth of receipts

    Paint is a little faded since I had the cut and polish done a fair while ago, I believe all it will need for roadworthy is a reverse light switch and new wipers.

    Will also come with a heap of spares including gearbox, new camshaft, recon head and whole bunch of other stuff I need to confirm by looking in the shed.

    Currently has chrome bars on it but will be sold with new plastic bars (not the faded grey)

    It kills me to sell this as these days its very hard to find original unmolested Mk1's that don't have body/rust issues but life gets in the way.

    Here are some arty farty photos I took on my phone about a month ago.

    *Have the spare hub cap


    I think it's a fair price considering the great condition and history of the car and i'm not asking crazy money for a Mk1 as some seem to do these days.

    Located SE Melbourne

    Inspections welcome.
    '79 GLD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Users Country Flag
    Hi mate, cool as. Had a couple of queries - best to comment them in here or PM?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Thread Starter

    Shoot me a PM mate

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