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Thread: DashSketch Launch & VAG Community BBQ - Saturday 7th May

  1. #1

    DashSketch Launch & VAG Community BBQ - Saturday 7th May

    To celebrate the launch of our DashSketch connected vehicle software for iOS, HLS is hosting a VAG community BBQ at our office in Fyshwick on Saturday 7th May, and we'd love you all to come along.

    We'll have some product giveaways (free app download codes and OBD2 Bluetooth adapters), a free BBQ lunch, Forza on the XBox, Project Cars in VR and plenty of free beer to go around.

    If you're interested in coming along, jump over to our Facebook event page for all the details, and we look forward to seeing you there!
    DashSketch - Drive, Capture Share.

    DashSketch is a connected dashcam, OBD2 logger and turn-by-turn navigation app for iOS Devices. Available now from the App Store for $9.99 AUD -

  2. #2

    Thanks to all who have RSVPd to us directly or on Facebook - we look forward to seeing you all next weekend.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DashSketch Launch & VAG Community BBQ - Saturday 7th May-img_4208-jpg  
    DashSketch - Drive, Capture Share.

    DashSketch is a connected dashcam, OBD2 logger and turn-by-turn navigation app for iOS Devices. Available now from the App Store for $9.99 AUD -

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