As per the title I purchased a pair of Aerotwins 6 months ago from the UK (unavailable from Bosch OZ) and they initially worked OK for a few months although had that dry rubbery squeegee sound with light rain but no shudder.
Wife then started complaining they were shuddering in heavy rain.
Put back the original 2.5 year old OEM's that came with the car, problem solved so I figure no problem with the wiper arms adjustment.
Spotlessly cleaned the windscreen and the rubber blades but they still shuddered.
I noticed the shuddering was more pronounced at the extremity of the drivers blade so I compared the OEM blade to the Bosch.
It seems the Bosch had lost it's tension having only a gentle curve whereas the OEM had a much greater curve.
I re-tensioned the Bosch to match the OEM but 6 weeks later the problem returned worse than ever in heavy rain. Interestingly this time the blades have not lost their tension and still look as good as new (we normally don't get a lot of rain in Adelaide).
Any further inputs or ideas appreciated.