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Hi Don,*
I am just wondering can you give me some help? I am got a keyless Golf GTI My16. However, when the ignition off, the interior light doesn't turn on. This is quite strange compare to my wife tiguan, although she doesn't have the keyless system.
Do you have any information how to activate the interior light when the car ignition off. If you can give me some helps, there will be appreciated.
Golf GTI MK7
elastic_junky (interesting handle!): Hello. I don't have KESSY on my car, but I understand that your observation regarding the interior light is normal for mk7s with this feature - I have no idea why that is so! If you search other forums, you will find lot's of discussion regarding this odd feature and AFAIK, a fix has not as yet been found.
Nevertheless, here's some "thought-prompts" that you might want to consider:
Not sure if you are aware, but all the lighting stuff on MQB platform vehicles happens in the coding/adaptation channels in the Body Control Module (VCDS reports this as "09-Cent. Elect."). If you go to my VCDS reference thread, you will find a BCM compare spread-sheet that contains a number of different admaps for cars with and without KESSY. I've had a quick look and there's nothing that jumps-out as a possible solution to the problem that you have observed. But it might be useful if you download the spread-sheet and have a closer look at the 2,900-ish adaptation channels.
The other possible (perhaps, more likely) place to find the solution is in the KESSY control module, itself which is reported by VCDS as 05-Acc/StartAuth. As I said, I don't have this module so I'm not sure whether there is a label file yet to enable you to see what the Byte/Bit coding values do for this module. But it may be worth looking through the screen-shots for the long coding helper (if the module has a label file)
As a further suggestion, I do have an admap for the KESSY control module in my database and the only adaptation channel that even remotely refer's to the car's lighting is:
(1)-DeveloperCoding: Search lights-ZAT active during clamp 58xt on - default setting is activated
Not sure if you are aware of DIN 72552 but it defines a list of numbers that relate to the various electrical functions in a car. The designation 58 in in the range of numbers that refer to lighting although I can not find the meaning of "xt" or "ZAT".
If you were sufficiently annoyed by the current behaviour of the interior light on your car, you could have a play with this channel. Please be aware that I have never accessed this control module and any changes to this adaptation channel is totally untested (it's a long-shot suggestion, I agree). I understand that the security access code for this module is 20103
Good luck
PS: to help others with this problem (and me), please provide feedback of any observations
Last edited by DV52; 23-03-2016 at 11:10 AM.
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