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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastDraw View Post
    This question is mostly directed to DV52 -- and I PM'ed you just a second ago, but I thought everyone else out there may be curious too.

    I have one of only a handful of 2016 Golf Rs in the USA that was sent here with the Driver's Assistance Package (parking sensors, automatic cruise control, etc.). That's all well and good, but my understanding is that the RoW, with the Driver's Assistance Package, gets parking assistance (where the car basically parks itself, you just apply the brake or gas). While the 2016 Passats in the USA have parking assistance with the Driver's Assistance Package, the Golf does not.

    But I don't understand why, especially since the car's dimensions are the same, and all of the same sensors are there for it. All that is missing is the little button by the shifter to enable it. ..... So, being wise (or stupid), I bought the row of buttons with the little "P" and the picture of the steering wheel (the stock row of buttons in the USA only has the bottom button with the "P" and the "cone" for the backup sensors) and am ready to install it.

    The question is --- how to dig into VCDS and actually enable park assist in my North American version -- even if I pop in that row of buttons with the added parking assistance button (I doubt it's just going to work magically by popping in the new row of buttons!).

    Can it be done?
    FastDraw: Hello- you are a long way from home!!

    My Golf doesn't have Park Assist, but I have had a play with a golf that has this feature. It's a real odd feeling letting-go of the steering wheel and passively sitting there whilst the car parks itself (occasionally pressing the gas pedal, or the brake when told-to by the car - who is the robot and who is the human?). Definitely takes some getting used-to I reckon! But I have to say, that the few times that I tried it - the car seemed to do a perfect job (although it was a little too far-in to the parking bay when there wasn't a car in the parking bay behind the empty parking spot).

    As to your question, I'm sure that there are many, far more experienced folk here that can provide a much better response than mine - but the short answer is that it's not just a coding issue.

    I'm not sure about the type of control modules that are installed on address hex10 (Park/Steer Assist) in NAR vehicles and they may well have the "smarts" to perform Park Assist (VW identify different control modules for the two functions: Parking Aid= J446, Park Assist = J791), but I suspect that your cars (with Parking Aid) have only four sensors on the front and four on the back (like our RoW models). Park Assist cars have two additional sensors on front of the car and also an additional pair of sensors on the rear. Plus I would very much doubt that the 10 PIN connector on the centre console has either the PINS, or the wires in the car's loom to make your new switch work. To get this switch to operate, I suspect that you would need to run two additional wires to J791 ( one wire for the driver to tell the module that Park Assist has been selected and another from the module to light-up the LED at the base of the switch - to indicate that the module has activated Park Assist).

    These are just a couple of additional equipment items that you will need. Other's here may identify further items that I have left-out (which I probably have)!

    Last edited by DV52; 23-12-2015 at 02:09 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #632
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    Golf R does NOT get park assist in Australia as part of the Driver's Assistance Package , normal (2 WD golfs do though). It's obviously related to AWD.

  3. #633
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    My GTI PP has DAP II which includes Park Assist 2. I've yet to try it out though....

    For some reason the Australian Golf R, when optioned with DAP II omits the Park Assist. The Australian brochure states this in black and white. Beats me why that would be the case - maybe something to do with the 4 Motion possibly?
    Biscay Blue MY10.5 Passat R36 Wagon
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  4. #634
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    Quote Originally Posted by FastDraw View Post
    I have one of only a handful of 2016 Golf Rs in the USA that was sent here with the Driver's Assistance Package (parking sensors, automatic cruise control, etc.).
    The question is --- how to dig into VCDS and actually enable park assist in my North American version -- even if I pop in that row of buttons with the added parking assistance button (I doubt it's just going to work magically by popping in the new row of buttons!).

    Can it be done?
    I suspect it's a little more complicated than that. I have a Canadian NAR MY2016 7R with tech, which is similar to the U.S. DAP, but also adding the 8" Discover Pro.

    I've noticed that my car is missing the small round sensor on the bumper, near the edge of the front wheel well. Any retrofit I assume would have to include these two sensors (one per side) in addition to the necessary control modules and centre console button.

  5. #635
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmc_ View Post
    I suspect it's a little more complicated than that. I have a Canadian NAR MY2016 7R with tech, which is similar to the U.S. DAP, but also adding the 8" Discover Pro.

    I've noticed that my car is missing the small round sensor on the bumper, near the edge of the front wheel well. Any retrofit I assume would have to include these two sensors (one per side) in addition to the necessary control modules and centre console button.
    Yes, I think I was a little (or a lot) foolish to think that an extra button and VCDS tweaks would do the job. VW would have included it with the DAP if they could have. I think other's comments are correct re: 4motion being the issue. And I know others have commented (and I've experienced) the poor turning radius of the MK7 Golf R -- which may come into play too (and still related to the 4motion).

    Oh well. .... that being said ... anyone want to buy a row of buttons? hah. Good thing I got it cheap.
    Last edited by FastDraw; 24-12-2015 at 12:07 AM. Reason: typo

  6. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by fontana302 View Post
    Golf R does NOT get park assist in Australia as part of the Driver's Assistance Package , normal (2 WD golfs do though). It's obviously related to AWD.
    It's not that cut and dried. My S3 with DAP has the Park Assist 2 system (which I've used precisely zero times), and it's obviously AWD (nee Quattro/4Motion).

    I enquired about this with a VWA contact of mine some time back, and the answer I got was that it was loosely related to the ride height (in relation to hitting curbs) and sensor calibration issues - nothing insurmountable, but VW simply chose not to implement it for the R based on cost. I'm not sure that's accurate, but I don't have anything more plausible to go on.
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
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  7. #637
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    I posted this over at the Ross-Tech forums, but because this seems to be one of the most comprehensive and organized places for VCDS tweaks, I'm re-posting it here.

    The first half is just me trying to get my car to do what you guys get in the ROW. But you might be more interested in the latter half. I've figured out a way to set a maximum time limit for the parking lights, and possibly even enable a battery-drain protection feature.

    --(repost starts here)---------------
    I have a NAR (Canada) Golf R MY16. I've been working to get ROW functionality with turn-signal activated, single-sided parking lights (SSPL).

    While trying to figure this out, I encountered a few hurdles that encouraged me to explore the BCM adaptations a little further. It turns out you can tweak the parking lights such that they go off automatically on a timer, or before they completely drain your battery.

    Here's a complete list of all of my changes:

    Vehicle: NAR (Canada) Golf R MY2016
    SW:5Q0-937-085-AJ HW:5Q0-937-085-AF --- Cent. Elect.
    Component:BCM MQBAB HNA H24 0175 Coding:00010A46C041A2E149E44000091C072018000000000 00000000000000000

    Adaptation Channel Factory Setting New Setting Notes
    (4)-Driving light and parking light-Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert not active one-sided Enable SSPL function using the turn signal.
    (5)-Driving light and parking light-Standlichtreduzierung mit beidseitigem Parklicht not active active Reduce standing lights with double parking lights. Active in ROW.
    (9)-Leuchte2SL VLB10-Lichtfunktion D 2 not active Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) Enable SSPL for right front headlight.
    (9)-Leuchte3SL VRB21-Lichtfunktion D 3 not active Parking light right Enable SSPL for left front headlight.
    (9)-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion D 4 Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) No change necessary. Already set for SSPL.
    (9)-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion D 5 Parking light right Parking light right No change necessary. Already set for SSPL.
    (5)-Leuchte8FL LB39-Lichtfunktion B 8 Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) not active (Optional) Disable left inner dot and amber side marker from lighting up on single side parking light. Does not affect anything else.
    (5)-Leuchte9FL RB2-Lichtfunktion B 9 Parking light right not active (Optional) Disable right inner dot and amber side marker from lighting up on single side parking light. Does not affect anything else.
    (13)-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lichtfunktion F 20 not active Parklicht links (beidseitiges Parklicht aktiviert li & re) Enable SSPL for left rear outer taillight.
    (13)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lichtfunktion F 21 not active Parking light right Enable SSPL for right rear outer taillight.
    (2)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Standlichtbegrenzung begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit not active No timer limit.
    (3)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Parklichtbegrenzung begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit not active No timer limit.

    I've studied the BCM adaptations for many NAR and ROW vehicles, and I believe this is the proper behaviour.

    A few notes about the above changes:

    • I found channels 2 and 3 to be the ones that controlled the front double-U LED DRLs.
    • Channels 4 and 5 were already coded for SSPL function, but I couldn't figure out what they controlled on my car. I left the adaptations as is.
    • From DV52's giant spreadsheet of BCM adaptations, my car seemed to be the only one with (2)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Standlichtbegrenzung and (3)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Parklichtbegrenzung set to begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit. This limited my parking lights to automatically shut off after exactly 30 mintues. Figuring out how to remove this limit was the most time-consuming part!

    This lead me to wonder about a series of adaptations, named After-run for park light:

    (1)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Beendigung des Standlichtnachlaufs not active
    (2)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Standlichtbegrenzung begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit
    (3)-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Parklichtbegrenzung begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit
    (4)-After-run for park light-Faktor fuer Verfügbarkeitstimer Faktor fuer x5 Minuten
    (5)-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Nachlaufzeit 255 min
    (6)-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Verfügbarkeit 6 s

    The second and third channels have these options:

    • not active - The majority of ROW vehicles were set to this.
    • abschaltbar über Energiemanagement - "can be switched off on energy management"? I saw a 110TSI MY16 with this. Maybe something monitors the battery voltage and shuts off the parking lights before running completely flat?
    • begrenzen auf Mindestverfügbarkeit - Time limit. Several newer NAR vehicles, including mine, were set to this.
    • abschaltbar über Energiemanagement ober üder Zeit - Energy management or time limit.

    The time limit ("Verfügbarkeitstimer") seems to be encoded in the next couple channels. My 7R came coded like this:

    (4)-After-run for park light-Faktor fuer Verfügbarkeitstimer Faktor fuer x5 Minuten
    (5)-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Nachlaufzeit 255 min
    (6)-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Verfügbarkeit 6 s

    Ignore the incorrect time unit on the last channel (6). The time limit can be set with the unit and multiplier in channel (4) combined with (6). In the above case, (x5 minutes and 6) = 30 minutes.

    I've played around with Verfügbarkeitstimer and it allows you to set a maximum time limit after which the SSPLs will turn off. For example, Faktor fuer x1 Sekunde in (4) and 30 in (6) will have the lights turn off in 30 seconds.

    Has anyone else played around with this?

    Does abschaltbar über Energiemanagement actually work? I don't know if I have the time and patience to test mine!

    What is the functional difference between Standlicht and Parklicht? I thought Parklicht described the SSPLs, but the Standlicht-Verfügbarkeit timer values seems to affect them.

    What is Standlicht-Nachlaufzeit and why is there a default value of 255 minutes?

  8. #638
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    ^^^^ dmc: thanks for the information and extra thanks for taking the time to post in this thread (much appreciated). This data will add considerably to the growing understanding in forum communities of Leuchte programming for MQB platform vehicles -well done!

    I'll add a link to your post in the VCDS reference thread

    PS: For the benefit of others, the passage below is a repeat from another forum:
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52
    I think the answer to your last question can be found in the binary equivalent of 255 (which is 1111 1111, or HexFF). That is, the default value for this adaptation channel is nothing more elaborate than simply setting all Bits to the value 1 (I suspect, this being the maximum value allowable for this channel)
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #639
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    Can you change when the car warns you of low fuel? Twice it's given a warning at 40k to empty/ (So it says) Would prefer an 80k distance warning.

  10. #640
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    Hi guys. Is there anyone around with a Discover Pro MIB1 without Premium Telephony package that wants to test something for me?
    I enabled the wlan hotspot feature last night by setting the Module 5F long coding bit for Phone NAD to 1.
    During a previous coding session, I already modified all adaptation channels to enable WLAN, online services, etc.
    After rebooting the Discover Pro, I now have:

    - WLAN hotspot menu entry in Setup menu
    - WLAN functionality when you enable the setting in the menu.
    - online services menu entry in Nav menu. (online services are greyed out as long as there's no internet connection)
    - Premium Phone menu entry in Phone setup menu
    - rSAP connection profile next to music and telephony profiles in Bluetooth device setup.
    - rSAP does not seem to work (at least... with my device.. hopefully one of you guys will be succesful)
    - no internet-connection, despite manually enabling rSAP / bluetooth tethering on my Samsung S6

    note: there's probably additional hardware needed for rSAP to be working, like a GSM modem, so this might not work at all.. but enabling the wlan device means we could probably turn the Discover Pro into a wifi CLIENT, and then tether the internet to it!

    So... who wants to join me in this endeavour, and see if we can get the non-premium MIB1's connected to the internet as well?
    Last edited by Chillout; 04-01-2016 at 08:54 PM.

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