EDIT NOTE: since I first wrote the instructions below- the forum community has learned much about this tweak. From this experience, it now seems that the success, or otherwise of the Auto Rain close facility is dependent on having the correct rain-sensor installed on the front windshield. Again from experience, it appears that the car MUST have a rain sensor with the part number 5Q0 955 547 WITHOUT ANY SUFFIX to be more likely to succeed. VCDS will report the correct sensor as RLFS, not RLHS. (thanks hadez16 & darkchina811 from RT forum)
It's fair to say that the Auto RainClose tweak has had a dubious infancy when applied to MQB platform vehicles like the mk7 Golf. My understanding from conversations on various forums is that problems were first encountered with this tweak because of the new sensor that was installed in these cars.
In previous models, VW used a "RLS" (i.e. Rain Light Sensor) to control Auto RainClose. However, in many of the mk7 models, the sensor that was introduced was the "RLFS" (Rain Light Humidity Sensor, or in German, Regen, Licht, Feuchte Sensor). Some VCDS auto-scan listings now report this new sensor as its Anglicized name, "RLHS" and of late, the RLS seems to have re-appeared in some mk7 scan reports (particularly in NAR cars).
As a result of early problems with the Auto RainClose tweak, the folk at Ross Tech (i.e. the inestimable Dana) modified the VCDS software so that it would communicate correctly with these new sensor units. The first SW version in which these changes appeared was Beta ver. 14.6.1. At the time of writing, Ross Tech has advised that their Beta software (i.e. currently Beta 14.8.1) is still the only version with the necessary smarts to talk to the sensors on mk7 vehicles. Doubtless, in the fullness of time (to quote Sir Humphrey Appleby), RT's non-beta software will be modified to accommodate these new sensors.
Edit - Nov 2014: Ross-Tech's full version software (SW version commencing with the number "14", or greater) is now able to fully communicate with the rain sensors in mk7 vehicles. |
The material in these instructions have been sourced from numerous forums and a skeletal version of these procedures can be found on the Stemie.de site.
Particular acknowledgement is given to the findings of the folk on the VCDS thread on VWvortex. In addition, recognition must also be given to those talented and amazing VCDS gurus on the Ross Tech forum for unravelling the early problems with the RLFS. Thanks to you all for your valuable contributions.
A word of caution for those that wish to proceed. This is one of the more complex tweaks and as a result, particular care and precision in following these instructions is required. Feedback from others indicates that a few have not been able to make this tweak work albeit I have received lots of reports of its successful implementation. If you fall into the latter category-congratulations. For those in the former category, please revert all settings to their original values (and re-check the entries for "opening and closing" in the Discover media screen which may have altered because of the factory reset process-see part 3 of these instructions). And, if you have implemented this tweak and you want to revert back to the car's original settings, make sure that you use RT's Beta software for the roll-back process.
If others can add to the information in these tweak instructions, please do so. If you want to PM, I'll undertake to modify this post with any updates - or you can add your own separate post to this thread.
For ease of understanding, these instructions have been broken-up into three discrete parts as follows (it is recommended that the instructions should be followed in the sequence listed):
This PostPart 1: Auto RainClose - Coding Changes
Post #230Part 2: Auto RainClose - Adaptation Channel Changes
Part 3: Auto RainClose - In-Car, setup procedures
All parts must be completed
Ross-Tech software version commencing with a number "14", or greater must be used for this tweak
Part 1: Auto RainClose - Coding Changes1. From the Installed tab on the Select Control Module screen, select 09-Cent. Elect.
2. On the Open Controller screen for address 09 - Cent. Elect., click the Coding - 07 tab
3. When the screen below opens, click on the pull-down down tab in the middle of the screen (as shown next to the red arrow). As indicated in the picture, the BCM (Body Control Module) has two "slave" modules, one of which is the RLFS
4, Select
RLFS and click on the
Long Coding Helper tab.
Note 1: on some mk7 vehicles, the slave module will be RLS, or RLHS |
5. Select
Byte 0 and place a tick in
Bit 1 and
Bit 2 as shown in the picture below. Exit this screen
6. When the screen below appears, ensure that the
New coding box contains the Hexadecimal value
06A8DD Click the
Do it! tab. Go back to the
open controller screen
Note 2: some forums report "error 31" message at this point. If this error message appears, manually enter 06A8DD into the New coding box instead of using the Long Coding Helper. Then click the Do it! tab |
Note 3: On some mk7 vehicles, the default coding string for the rain sensor is 01E8DD. If this is the case, the required hexadecimal value in the new coding box is 07E8DD. |
Go to Part 2(next post)