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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #891
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Hi Don,

    Hope you don't mind me asking but I read a number of your replies on different forums and you seemed really well versed in this area. I recently bought a ODB11 and tried to change the instrument cluster to light up during the day time. I understand the changing the lighting curve doesn't work due to the security code.

    Tried using the 25327 code to change "illumination_algorithm" to change the light to LDS but that did not work as well, apparently this code is not valid for my car (Golf Mk7 MY16 Aus). Do you have any other idea or codes that might work? Or did I really hit a dead end this time? =(

  2. #892
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEAL8080 View Post
    Don san, thanks for your reply.
    I am interesting how to import pictute file on this setting.
    When I checked my channel map of STG 5F, my setting is
    Startup_Screen_Sticker_HMI 00 00

    I am not sure how to change on this number to import the picture file.
    Thank you.
    Zeal san: Again, not sure. But I suspect that you need to get into Developer Mode Access to import a personal file into the start-up screen. I know that you are a regular on the RT forum - have you read the Developer-Mode-Access-on-MIB-units thread?

    If you pursue this option, then the following screenshots (which came from Eric of RT fame) might be useful.

    Gook luck and please provide feedback of any observations
    Last edited by DV52; 22-07-2016 at 02:01 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #893
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    Quote Originally Posted by jingwen91 View Post
    Hi Don,

    Hope you don't mind me asking but I read a number of your replies on different forums and you seemed really well versed in this area. I recently bought a ODB11 and tried to change the instrument cluster to light up during the day time. I understand the changing the lighting curve doesn't work due to the security code.

    Tried using the 25327 code to change "illumination_algorithm" to change the light to LDS but that did not work as well, apparently this code is not valid for my car (Golf Mk7 MY16 Aus). Do you have any other idea or codes that might work? Or did I really hit a dead end this time? =(
    Jingwen91: Don't mind you asking at all - that's the purpose of these forums!!

    Notwithstanding that I have an earlier model mk7, I certainly have taken a keen interest in finding/hacking/thieving, or otherwise discovering the illusive Security Access Code for the instrument control module in post MY15 cars. However, to date, my focus has been on NAR model vehicles , not RoW version mk7s.

    I'm surprised with your observation that you can't make 25327 work on the "illumination_algorithm" channel on your module because I have been informed that our compatriots in USA have been able to successfully use this number on their NAR cars. Strange that it doesn't work on your RoW vehicle. I assume that you can actually see the adaptation channel in the OBD11 screen (I can't on my earlier version module).

    As for your question - "Do you have any other idea or codes that might work?" - alas the answer is no. Not sure if you have read my previous post on finding security codes, but I have not been able to get the native OBD11 "login-finder" to work successfully.

    As you probably know, VCDS currently doesn't have a "login finder" facility (I live in hope that this deficiency will be rectified in the future). But - I can vouch that a VAGCOM PRO cable can successfully find these illusive numbers!

    I've been able to force-poll 100,000 numbers (the code is currently always a 5 -digit-number albeit I have been told that VW are contemplating 6-digit security codes in the future) into the BCM on a simple test-bed that I have built (see below) and the exercise has successfully returned the known codes. I'm more than happy to add a MY16 instrument control module to the test jig (not at my cost), but I suspect that it's a very expensive way of discovering the security access code on your car!!

    I note that you live in Melbourne (as do I). If you want to leave your car at my place (the end-to-end process takes at least 15 hours), and you can supply a good battery charger (mine is with a friend) and strictly on an "all care and no responsibility" basis, I guess that I could hook-up my VAGCOM PRO cable to your car and repeat the process.

    Last edited by DV52; 02-10-2016 at 02:45 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #894
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    Don san,
    Thank for your help. I already entered developer mode. But not sure how to import the picture data to Discover Pro for start up screen on developer mode.
    If some know how to do it, I would apprecite.

  5. #895
    PDF Brico TPMS Tire Pressure Meter System

    TPMS VW Golf MKVII RLine 4Motion 1/2 - YouTube

    TPMS VW Golf MKVII RLine 4Motion 2/2 - YouTube


    Last Version: 03-08-2016

    Size 16MB

    Language Text: Spanish

    Version 1.0

    Ingredients and utensils:

    Mount Images:

    Basic Coding VAGCOM:

    Advanced Coding VAG CAN PRO / VCP:

    Personal Coding VAG CAN PRO / VCP:

    After six months of use everything works perfect!
    He adjusted one last photo, TPMS with My last Retrofit Lane Assist with VZA & Light Assist!

    Post Original!
    Brico: TPMS Visulización de presiones en VW Golf VII en ClubVWGolf

    Club VW Golf España

    Enjoy it!

    Regates :sect:


  6. #896
    Quote Originally Posted by XaGiCo View Post
    PDF Brico TPMS Tire Pressure Meter System

    TPMS VW Golf MKVII RLine 4Motion 1/2 - YouTube

    TPMS VW Golf MKVII RLine 4Motion 2/2 - YouTube


    Last Version: 03-08-2016

    Size 16MB

    Language Text: Spanish

    Version 1.0

    Ingredients and utensils:

    Mount Images:

    Basic Coding VAGCOM:

    Advanced Coding VAG CAN PRO / VCP:

    Personal Coding VAG CAN PRO / VCP:

    After six months of use everything works perfect!
    He adjusted one last photo, TPMS with My last Retrofit Lane Assist with VZA & Light Assist!

    Post Original!
    Brico: TPMS Visulización de presiones en VW Golf VII en ClubVWGolf

    Club VW Golf España

    Enjoy it!

    Regates :sect:

    That is excellent - how did you do it please (the TPMS part)?

  7. #897
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    VCDS tweak: Low-beam+Parker for Incandescent headlights

    If your mk7 has incandescent headlights (like mine), then you probably have observed that the front parking lights are not illuminated when the low-beam lamps are switched-on. What happens (at least on my mk7) is that the DRL/parker filament (15 Watt) in the "inner lamp" switches-off when the low-beam switches-on!

    So, here's a (simple) VCDS tweak that modifies the behaviour of the DRL/Parker filament in the "inner" front light so that it illuminates with the low-beam headlight. Diagrammatically, the effect is as shown in the picture below. The illumination level of the "inner" light will be whatever setting is used for the parking light (i.e. the setting for the Dimmwert EF adaptation channel)

    Instructions (note the table below shows the new "Object tags" in the latest VCDS software)

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the default values for the adaptation channels are as shown in the table below for Existing Setting column
    6. Change the 2 x adaptation channels depicted in the table below to the values in the New Setting column (use the "Search" box to locate the correct channels)
    7. Optional: If a different illumination level is desired for the "inner" lamps for the parking light function, alter the settings for:
    • ENG116940-ENG115961-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Dimmwert EF 4 and
    • ENG116941-ENG115980-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Dimmwert EF 5.
    Note: any change made will also apply to the Single-Sided-Parking-light function.

    Note: I make no judgement regarding the compliance (or otherwise) of this tweak with the Australian Design Rules. Forum colleagues should satisfy themselves in this regard before implementing these instructions.
    Last edited by DV52; 09-08-2016 at 01:14 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #898
    UPDATE v.1.4
    Dossier Modificaciones VAGCOM & VCP VW Golf MKVII

    Some News in v.1.4 :


    Versión v.1.4 15-08-2016

    Size + 132MB

    Number of pages 244

    Controller Channel Map (Mapas de Adaptación) y Auto-Scan in several versions Vag-Com in VW GOLF's MKVII this @XaGiCo y @Algagu

    Incorporation of my Retrofit's Front Assist+ACC , Side Assist+RTA, Lane Assist+Light Assist+VZA y reading VAGCOM 15.7.4 - 16.6.0 - 16.8.0

    Link Update

    Another new PDF more!


    Versión v.1.0 15-08-2016

    Size + 11MB

    Enjoy it!!VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Regards :secta:


  9. #899

    Question How to find hidden features... ?

    I want to activate the Performance Monitor in my ( 2016 ) Golf-7 ALLTRACK 1.8 TSI ?


    I have VCDS

    How to do it ?

  10. #900
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by lynx View Post
    I want to activate the Performance Monitor in my ( 2016 ) Golf-7 ALLTRACK 1.8 TSI ?


    I have VCDS

    How to do it ?
    Lynx: Hi and welcome to the forum - you are a long way away!

    Your question has been the subject of countless threads/posts on numerous forums! Alas, the unifying answer from all these discussions is that the Performance Monitor facility resides in the MIBII firmware - it's not a function that can be turned-on with a diagnostic cable.

    I believe that the only way to implement the facility is through a firmware update via your friendly (and I use this adjective facetiously) VW dealer - probably at a cost approaching the annual budget of a small African nation!!


    PS: I acknowledge that this is little solace, but there is a similar screen (which is the poor-cousin to the Performance Monitor) that might be of interest - see my instructions HERE
    Last edited by DV52; 31-08-2016 at 10:42 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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