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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #671
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    Enable WLAN on Discover Pro MIB1
    Warning: you will not have data access if you don't have premium telephony, so there will be NO online services. This WILL lead to an error in Phone menu when selecting "Premium phone". It will do no damage, but as with all VCDS changes: use your brain.

    Module 5F
    Login 20103
    Long Coding:
    Byte 15, bit 4 = 1 (Phone NAD)
    Byte 24, bit 3 = 1 (WLAN Module)
    WLAN: On
    (7)-Vehicle configuration-WIFI_Hotspot: On
    (17)-Vehicle configuration-UPnP: On (Will enable DLNA)

    After you've set this, RESET the device by holding Power for ~15 seconds.
    You can now find the WLAN settings in the device settings menu.
    If not, that's bad luck. The MIB1 is a mysterious device... it could be that you need to set "LTE Module" to on...

    That's all.
    Feel free to experiment with this. Be careful though.
    Please post your findings here!
    Last edited by Chillout; 28-01-2016 at 07:15 PM.

  2. #672
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    Enable WLAN on Discover Pro MIB1
    Warning: you will not have data access if you don't have premium telephony, so there will be NO online services. This WILL lead to an error in Phone menu when selecting "Premium phone".

    Module 5F
    Login 20103
    Long Coding:
    Byte 15, bit 4 = 1 (Phone NAD)
    Byte 24, bit 3 = 1 (WLAN Module)
    WLAN: On
    (7)-Vehicle configuration-WIFI_Hotspot: On
    (17)-Vehicle configuration-UPnP: On (Will enable DLNA)

    That's all.
    Feel free to experiment with this. Be careful though.
    Thank you very much to disclose the cording for WLAN on Discover Pro.

    I applied this coding on my Golf MK7 Highline with Discover Pro which do
    not have premium phone interface. However WLAN menu was appeared on
    Media Source screen but WLAN is still gray out which I could not enabled
    WLAN. Do I need to enable engineering menu first or need additional
    coding to enable WLAN ? Now I only have VCDS at the time.
    Thank you.

  3. #673
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEAL8080 View Post
    Thank you very much to disclose the cording for WLAN on Discover Pro.

    I applied this coding on my Golf MK7 Highline with Discover Pro which do
    not have premium phone interface. However WLAN menu was appeared on
    Media Source screen but WLAN is still gray out which I could not enabled
    WLAN. Do I need to enable engineering menu first or need additional
    coding to enable WLAN ? Now I only have VCDS at the time.
    Thank you.
    The media source will only be active when there is a DLNA server on the same WLAN.
    Did you check the main Settings screen and set-up a WLAN with key and SSID?

  4. #674
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    The media source will only be active when there is a DLNA server on the same WLAN.
    Did you check the main Settings screen and set-up a WLAN with key and SSID?
    Thank you for your reply.
    Yes, I did checked both main screen and set-up menu too. But there are no WLAN related menu so I could not set SSID and pass code for WLAN.

  5. #675
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    Same happened to me. Have you tried re-booting the Nav Pro (as per Chillout's instructions above). I didn't at first and whilst I got the WLAN icon under the Media sources screen, I had no WLAN options in the setup screen. That was until I re-booted the device then the WLAN options dropped in into the setup screen.

  6. #676
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    Chillout, another quick question please. VW have a latest leaflet (which I assume is for MIB II) about WLAN and stating that you can set your phone into a personal hotspot mode then get the Nav Pro to search for the hotspot and once connected use the phone to power online services (thus not needing the Sim card that the non premium phone kits don't have). See below:

    Internet access via WLAN.
    With this method, the internet connection is provided not by the infotainment system itself but, for example, by a WLAN hotspot
    linked to your mobile phone. Your phone in this case functions as a modem and the infotainment system is the “client”. **

    Step by step: Your infotainment system as a WLAN client

    1. Switch on your mobile device (e.g. smartphone) and activate it as a “WLAN hotspot” (usually via e.g. → main menu → Settings → Wireless connections) ***
    Switch on hotspot visibility on the device. The hotspot name and network code are now shown.

    2. Next, go to the main menu of your infotainment system and open → WLAN settings. Activate WLAN in the menu shown, select WLAN “client” mode and start the hotspot search. Select your mobile device.

    3. Please enter the network code. The hotspot is now connected (as shown by the tick). In future, this process will happen automatically
    when the hotspot is within range and switched on. To delete the hotspot link, press the waste bin symbol.

    4. You can now access Car-Net services from your infotainment system by going to the appropriate menu.

    I must admit I haven't tried it yet (as I've just read this), but would disabling UPnP mode allow the infotainment unit to search for a wireless hotspot (or is that additional hardware / software in the MIB II only) ?
    Last edited by Sootchucker; 29-01-2016 at 01:47 AM.

  7. #677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sootchucker View Post
    I must admit I haven't tried it yet (as I've just read this), but would disabling UPnP mode allow the infotainment unit to search for a wireless hotspot (or is that additional hardware / software in the MIB II only) ?
    That's actually a brilliant idea! I've been looking into a way to enable Wifi Client mode on the MIB1, and didnt think about turning off UPnP... I'll try this!
    It's not additional hardware/software, I've seen this mode on a MIB1 as well

  8. #678
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sootchucker View Post
    Same happened to me. Have you tried re-booting the Nav Pro (as per Chillout's instructions above). I didn't at first and whilst I got the WLAN icon under the Media sources screen, I had no WLAN options in the setup screen. That was until I re-booted the device then the WLAN options dropped in into the setup screen.
    Thanks very much for your quick reply of my question. I did re-boot MIB1 but did not set " LTE Module" ON yet. I will try again tomorrow.

  9. #679
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    3rd Brake Light - Various VCDS tweaks

    I've always found the 3rd brake light to be a much undervalued facility on a car. Truth is that on a mk7, it can be used to do all sorts of additional functions (other than just being a brake light). On my highline, the third brake light was factory fitted with an LED.

    Here's some options for how the role of the 3rd brake light can be expanded. I discovered these instructions as part of material that I received from a forum colleague (Many thanks - Morde), who resides in Germany and therefore has access to a richer information base than us English folk (and he understand the German language- which is a great attribute to have when trying to decipher VW's cryptic nomenclature)!

    Note: for the three tweaks shown below, the structure of the changes across the Leuchte-set channels (and the non-Leuchte set channels) are arranged so that each individual tweak is independent of the other options. Pick-and-choose whichever tweak that you like (or choose none!),

    I implemented all three options on my car this morning and I can vouch that they all work


    3rd/High-Mounted Brake Light Tweaks - Instructions

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the default settings for the adaptation channels shown in the table below are as indicated in the Standard setting column
    6. For the wanted options, change the adaptation channels depicted in the table below to the values in the appropriate column (tip: use the "Search" box to locate the channels)

    Last edited by DV52; 15-07-2016 at 12:07 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #680
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    MIBII - Activate Off Road Display

    Here's another tweak from our forum colleague Morde. I don't have an MIBII fitted to my car, so I can't try these instructions, but I'd welcome feedback from anyone who completes the tweak.

    Morde says that after implementing this tweak, the screens shots below should be accessible on the infotainment unit:

    Off Road Display - Instructions:

    WARNING: VCDS users that have a HEX+CAN, or Micro CAN Cable please note that this tweak (and any tweaks) on MIBII units (address Hex5F) should only be implemented with Ross Tech software version 15.7.3 (or later).

    REQUIREMENT: This tweak will only work on MIBII units that have SATNAV installed (don't bother trying if a SATNAV is not present).

    Step 1. On Select Control Module screen click "Select"
    Step 2. Select 5F-information Elect
    Step 3.
    Go to step 4 - Note: I've had reports from some forum colleagues that a security code was needed. If the adaptation channel settings in Step 5 are locked:
    Step 3A. Go back to the Open Controller screen and select Security Access-16
    Step 3B. Enter the magic number 20103
    Step 4. Select Adaptation-10
    Step 5. Change the following adaptation channels:
    • (81)-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass - set to active (default not active)
    • (83)-Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2-menu_display_compass_over_threshold_high - set to active (default not active)
    • (41)-Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2-compass_0x15 - set to active (default not active)

    Exit the Ross Tech software
    Step 6. Reset the MIB unit - press and hold the ON/OFF button on the infotainment unit until it turns-OFF and then turns-ON again.
    Last edited by DV52; 24-04-2021 at 09:40 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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