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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #41
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    Alarm beep on lock/unlock - VCDS tweak

    I've been trying to get an audible horn, or beep to sound when I lock/unlock my Mk7 (with the key-fob) using a VCDS tweak. There's lots of stuff on the web in the Europe forums that confirms that the Mk 7 can do this, but I've been singularly unsuccessful in my many attempts. Most of the VCDS tweaks use the instructions below (or a variant of the instructions below).

    Has anyone tried to get audio feedback when locking/unlocking their car? If so, how did you do it?

    Alarm beep on lock / unlock (
    from VW GTI mk7 forum)
    Go into [09] Central Electronics
    Go into Secuity Access and enter 31347
    Adaptation channels, and you are looking for:
    (1)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegen (un-lock acoustic feedback)
    (2)-Acknowledgement Signals -Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln (lock acoustic feedback)
    Set one or both to on if you wish.
    Then set the following to "on"

    (7)-Acknowledgement Signals -Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung (Acoustic lock menu)
    This enables a menu setting in the "car" settings, "Locking" menu of the infotainment screen to set alarm chirp on or off when locking /unlocking the car and have the option to switch it on or off from the head unit.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #42
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    Apr 2010
    afaik the car has to have an alarm to be able to do this. (Which is the case with the Mk6). Possibly in europe the alarm is optional or standard whereas it isn't here (I think only the R had the alarm).

  3. #43
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    I know in the Polo (and probably the MK6 Golf) you could set the actual horn to beep on lock/unlock. Turning that on definitely let you and your entire block know that the car was locked!

    Other than the horn, the only unit that can make a loudish sound is the alarm hence the need for it to be installed to make the beep. I generally find the sound of the locks themselves loud enough in most cases, failing that the indicators flashing is good enough for distance confirmation.
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by readerr0r View Post
    I know in the Polo (and probably the MK6 Golf) you could set the actual horn to beep on lock/unlock. Turning that on definitely let you and your entire block know that the car was locked!

    Other than the horn, the only unit that can make a loudish sound is the alarm hence the need for it to be installed to make the beep. I generally find the sound of the locks themselves loud enough in most cases, failing that the indicators flashing is good enough for distance confirmation.
    Rearerror: Thanks for the feedback. I've found on a more than one occasion in a busy car park (when I've not been sure if I've lock the car) that it would be useful to get an audio feedback when I press the key fob. Else I have to be near enough to hear the lock mechanism "click", or be in-line-of sight of the indicators. I certainly don't want a deafening sound, just a mild audible "beep".

    I've managed to enable the "menu" option on the Discover Media screen that lets you tick a box for an audio sound with lock/unlock (it's the last instruction in the tweak). However, when the tick is enabled, nothing happens (regardless of the other steps in the instructions). The fact that I can enable the entry in the Discover media screen strongly suggests (to me, at least) that it sould be possible to envoke the facility.

    It's not a big issue, just annoying that so many European web forums say that the function is easy to enable. Perhaps electrons spin in the other direction in the southern hemisphere - and that's why the tweak doesn't work!! Or perhaps I need to throw a large amount of money at VW Aust. to have them do the job for me (not likley)!
    Last edited by DV52; 07-04-2014 at 12:25 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    afaik the car has to have an alarm to be able to do this. (Which is the case with the Mk6). Possibly in europe the alarm is optional or standard whereas it isn't here (I think only the R had the alarm).
    Ryan_R: You could be right. I had assumed that audio feedback would come from the car horn. I recall that there's an option on one of the VCDS channels (cent. Electrn. controller- I think) to lenghten/shorten the horn duration for the lock/unlock audio feedback. I thought that this modified the car horn, but it could be related to an anti-theft horn.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Ryan_R: You could be right. I had assumed that audio feedback would come from the car horn.
    I have it enabled on my Mk6 GTI (love the feature, very handy), and it's definitely being emitted by the alarm chirper, and not the car horn.
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamD View Post
    I have it enabled on my Mk6 GTI (love the feature, very handy), and it's definitely being emitted by the alarm chirper, and not the car horn.
    AdamD: Thanks for the confirmation. Looks like this is a feature that I will not have on my mk7.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #48
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    Collection of Golf 7 Tweaks & Mods (including TMC)

    G'day all, a friend of mine (GeckoZAO) told me that many of the Golf MK7 do not have TMC (Traffic Message Channel) working.
    I've also noticed there aren't any threads in this forum that collects all the tweaks, MODs for Golf MK7 at the moment.
    Therefore I will now open this thread, with all the tweaks and MODs known to share with MK7 owner here.
    I will also make sure try to keep this thread up to date if anything new has been found and tested.

    1. Refuel Quantity
    17 Instrument- Coding Byte 10 Bit 4

    2. Instrument Staging
    17 Instrument- Coding Byte1 Bit0

    3. Rain Close
    09-Cent Elect, Security Access:31347, Adaption

    4. LED Number Plate Light
    09-Cent Elect, Security Access:31347, Adaption

    5.1 Traffic Information
    5F-Adaption, Follow the screen shot. and you have to make sure RDS and TP is enabled in the settings and wait for about 40mins. The traffic report will start come.

    6. Deactivate seat belt warning
    17 Instrument- Adaption

    7. Automatic coming home/Coming home light/Coming home timer starting point
    09-Cent Elect, Security Access:31347, Adaption

    8. Beep when unlock/lock.(if you have alarm fitted)
    09-Cent Elect, Security Access:31347, Adaption

    9. Full brake light if you have LED tail light(GTI Performance OR R)
    I lost the screen shot to show your guys. Here is the photos to compare before and after. I'll post the screen shot later on.

    Last edited by alanzidane; 29-04-2014 at 08:32 PM.

  9. #49
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    So am I the only guy to run out to the golf cable in hand, vcds cable that this to try and update my my13 high line

    Tmc code taken after a couple of goes, now for the wait.....

    Will it work .... I am hoping
    2019 MY19 Mini JCW Hatch
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  10. #50
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    We'll I am in the outer suburbs of Melbourne so might have to wait to see when it is closer to the city
    2019 MY19 Mini JCW Hatch
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