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Thread: Baby seats in the Octavia

  1. #1
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    Baby seats in the Octavia

    Just thought that I would share.

    Brought the missus and our new 5 day old son home from the hospital today

    So that makes 3 baby/booster seats across the back seat.

    (I know the upper tether is not on the infant capsule, but this is just for the photos)

    The Octavia makes the transition from 2 to 3 across the back seat rather well - albeit a bit squishy

    That said, if I was going to buy a vehicle specifically for 3 kids, I'd buy a Multivan instead
    2010 Tiguan 125TSI
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Congrats on the birth of your son. My first child is due March next year.

    Is it safe to have the infant child seats on the side with the curtain airbags?
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  3. #3
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    Congrats. We're still a few weeks off number one. What kind of capsules/seats do you use? There has been a LOT of talk about them not fitting, so I'm interested...

    PS MY wife might not recognize all Skoda models and variants at three hundred metres (yet) but she spotted Calvary Hospital at a glance

  4. #4
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    Congrats on #3. Our third is due in March 2012 and we already have the Multivan (which was an upgrade from a Subaru Outback).

    I'm likely to be on the hunt for a new child seat sometime soon too.

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  5. #5
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    I've got a 6mth to 7 yr old S & S Maxirider and a S & S Meridian and I don't think we could fit a third in there with the small gap that is left, but both those seats are pretty big. I'm waiting to get a 4yr plus one next year so I might gain some ground, but have a feeling it will still be squishy....we have a 9mth old and a nearly 4 yr old and aren't planning any more.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brendan_A View Post
    Congrats on the birth of your son. My first child is due March next year.

    Is it safe to have the infant child seats on the side with the curtain airbags?
    Sorry I meant to answer this, yep its fine as the curtain airbags won't be close to the seat really, most have their own side impact wings built in as well. Once they are out of seats at 7 yrs I think the only thing I'm concerned about is them sleeping on the door/window as I used to do that.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofy View Post
    Once they are out of seats at 7 yrs
    Mind you, it's safest to keep them in an appropriate seat (booster at 7 years) until they physically outgrow it. Not that most kids are happy staying in it.....
    Brilliant Silver Octavia Scout 2010

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofy View Post
    Sorry I meant to answer this, yep its fine as the curtain airbags won't be close to the seat really, most have their own side impact wings built in as well. Once they are out of seats at 7 yrs I think the only thing I'm concerned about is them sleeping on the door/window as I used to do that.
    Thanks for answering that.
    MY20 Golf GTI TCR
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inego View Post
    Mind you, it's safest to keep them in an appropriate seat (booster at 7 years) until they physically outgrow it. Not that most kids are happy staying in it.....
    Yeah my workmate has a son who is tiny and short and she pulled him out of it on his birthday, I told her last week he is supposed to be a certain height as well, as we have friends with twins, one is still in the seat and one isn't and they are older than him.

  10. #10
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    Thanks guys! The little bloke is such a joy!

    For those interested, the seats are:
    - Steelcraft removable capsule for the bub
    - SnS Highliner for our 5 yo (which has markings in it which relates to the hight of the child, and tells you when and how far to extend the head protection as they grow)
    - Mothers Choice reversable seat for the 3 yo (who is so close to being tall enough for the SnS Highliner, we almost bought one for him anyway - but have waited for him to grow a little more)

    I have never thought about the curtain airbags going off and hurting the child, but I guess that the head protection of the seats helps resolve this? In addition to the fact that the child's head is inline with the head rest of the proper car seat - some distance from the window (although I have no idea how much space the curtain airbag takes up when fully inflated).

    As I said earlier, it is a bit of a squish, and the middle seatbelt is always plugged in as it is quite difficult to get a hand down there to plug the seatbelt in and unplug it. So the she-gnome pulls out a large length of seatbelt, climbs under it, and pulls it tight around herself. I always check it for fit after she finishes getting in.

    @ Woofy,
    We have those seats aswell, and as comfy and safe as they are - they are huge! My he-gnome is still cranky that he lost his comfy seat - lol

    @ Scarfies,
    The Octy was parked outside Calvary for 3 days solid from last Friday!

    @ Aaron,
    Will you put the new child in the third row with the other two? Or put one of them in the second row?
    I think our days are numbered with the B4 Passat, which will most likely be replaced with a Multivan. I love the fact that it has 2 sliding doors for people in the back.

    Would it be worthwhile having a section dedicated to the fitting and use of baby seats in VAG vehicles? No idea where you could put this though?
    Last edited by JP-009; 26-10-2011 at 08:42 PM.
    2010 Tiguan 125TSI
    2004 Polo Match
    1976 White MkI Golf


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