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Thread: A little pickle

  1. #1
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    A little pickle

    Well poop

    A month or so ago, as I was just preparing to roadworthy my 1976 Swallowtail (was my little secret ), my daily driver (BMW 318is) overheated on the highway due to a blown bleeder valve on the radiator. In my attempts of fixing it I discovered many other things which needed some attention and due to time constraints I got my mechanic to fix everything for me, which blew my entire budget for the Swallowtail.

    Fast forward to now, and I have just discovered that my BMW has a blown head gasket, which would have been a result from the overheating experience a month ago. This puts me in quite a difficult position, as I can either pay to get it replaced by my mechanic, who always turns out to be a little more than I budgeted for, thus further delaying my plans of my golf even further, or I can pursue my roadworthy for the golf now and get it on the road in the very near future.

    Either way I need a car again asap.

    I need some suggestions from the people I trust (VW people) as all the BMW people I know are quite full of ****

    BTW, has anyone on here dealt with a mechanic in Hawthorn know as Bruno Fink's Motors? I know they can do roadworthies but I am curious as to whether they are any good.


    Here she is now...
    Last edited by Browneye; 03-03-2015 at 07:40 PM.
    77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
    76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart

  2. #2
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    You posted a question re Golf vs BMW on a VW forum and you want an unbiased answer??? I think you already know the answer but just want justification from the good people here.

    It sounds like you've got a mechanic who doesn't respect the fact that you have little money and just need a car for transport. That's why he found (and fixed) lots of little problems. If he isn't finding cheap parts to keep you going then why are you wasting money on an old BMW?

    OK Jordan, how far away is the Golf from being registered AND can you afford to get it on the road and fix the little problems that are bound to come up?

    If the Golf is registered will you then fix the BMW (which will give you 2 cars and more time to slowly upgrade the Golf) or are you going to sell the BMW and put the money into the Golf?

    From your other post I presume it isn't the orange Golf that had all the rust so is money the deciding factor or time?

    Remember, use your head to make decisions not your heart. Otherwise you end up like me with a car that I absolutely love but drives the rest of the family insane. I've also got 6 old cars now, 4 are registered and only me and the wife drive.


    Last edited by sports racer; 25-03-2014 at 05:15 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ill send you a PM.

  4. #4
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    Thanks both of you for your advice and insight.

    I've since learnt that the head gasket will cost around $2.5k to get replaced, assuming nothing else is damaged as well, which pretty much solidifies my decision to pursue the roadworthy for the golf. I will probably try some gasket sealer or whatever and flog off the BMW at the auctions or something, but I definitely am not planning on keeping it at this stage.

    I have been looking for a reason to finish my golf for a while, and I think that this is the perfect time to do so.

    I'll keep you all posted on the progress
    77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
    76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart

  5. #5
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    Melbourne VIC
    Mate $2.5k for a head gasket seems a bit step. $450 for a VRS kit, $600 to reco ya head (by a good head guy with valve stem seals etc) then how much for labour. $30 for coolant and $40 for oil. Rip of labour much?

    Quote Originally Posted by Browneye View Post
    In my attempts of fixing it I discovered many other things which needed some attention and due to time constraints I got my mechanic to fix everything for me, which blew my entire budget for the Swallowtail.

    Fast forward to now, and I have just discovered that my BMW has a blown head gasket, which would have been a result from the overheating experience a month ago.
    Why did he not diagnose the blown HG then. I would be asking for a refund on said work if it now has a blown HG.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    It doesn't really concern me whether its 1200 or 2500 its still not something I would like to spend that sort of money on. I'd much prefer to spend that on fixing my golf and getting it finished and ready for the road. And from what I understand its around 9 hours labour to change the head gasket.

    Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk
    77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
    76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Browneye View Post
    It doesn't really concern me whether its 1200 or 2500 its still not something I would like to spend that sort of money on. I'd much prefer to spend that on fixing my golf and getting it finished and ready for the road. And from what I understand its around 9 hours labour to change the head gasket.

    Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk
    Hahha 9 hours on drugs!

  9. #9
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    Talk to Paul at euroworks Clayton 95603326

    His bread and butter is e30's but only thing is he might be full booked out for a while

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    aiming for 200kw atw

  10. #10
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    Too bad mine is an e36. If I had an e30 it'd be a no brainer and would actually be worth fixing hahaha

    Sent from my LG-E975 using Tapatalk
    77 Mk1 GLS 2 door - That sinking feeling
    76 Mk1 Swallowtail 2 door - Replace that BMW & 76 Sweetheart

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