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Thread: Reverse camera for the 6R & RNS510?

  1. #1
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    Reverse camera for the 6R & RNS510?

    Has anyone fitted a reverse camera to their 6R with RNS510? Not that you'd need one in such a small car, but it'd be a fun feature. The mk6 Golf camera won't fit as is, as the VW badge/handle is not the same size as on the Polo. Perhaps it can be modified to the Polo badge? Don't really like the ones that replace your license plate light.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2010
    Users Country Flag has an article about installing a Golf Mark IV Reverse Camera into a Golf Mark V; not being a technical person I would imagine a lot of the information there would be transferable to a Polo 6R. I had thoughts about installing one until I read about the water leakage issues due to the car not being designed to have a camera installed, he article links to another one which explains the process for installing drainage.
    6R Polo TDI; DSG

  3. #3
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    I know I'm digging up an old thread but I've had a crack at this with my old man.

    The camera will fit if you take the wiper motor out but due to the bolt hole position, the badge isn't aligned properly.

    If you rotate the badge so that the letters are vertical, the badge AND wiper motor fit, but the holes don't line up.

    Out idea is that we get a bracket made up that has holes for the camera and the for holes in the tailgate, so it can be screwed in.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by benough View Post
    I know I'm digging up an old thread but I've had a crack at this with my old man.

    The camera will fit if you take the wiper motor out but due to the bolt hole position, the badge isn't aligned properly.

    If you rotate the badge so that the letters are vertical, the badge AND wiper motor fit, but the holes don't line up.

    Out idea is that we get a bracket made up that has holes for the camera and the for holes in the tailgate, so it can be screwed in.

    Hey guys,

    LunchboxGTI made an adapter for this on his GTI based on this little hint i found

    He said he'd make a few copies to help anyone interested in doing it, so I suggest slinging him a PM and waiting for him to chime in here

    More info here
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

    MY12 Skoda Octavia RS 147 Black Combi - Sold

  5. #5
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    You can also I fully aftermarket with the camera like I am (fat fingers need the grip) and buy the RGB converter that plugs straight into the unit.

    Far cheaper too.

    Stage 2+ Intercooler Carbon Intake Downpipe Swaybar DV+ Remsa.

  6. #6
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    Yeah but I am OEM+ wherever I can be.

  7. #7
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    You could try the Scirocco unit in the bumper??

    VW Rear Camera KIT - Retrofit - Scirocco 1K8980551 1K9980551

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  8. #8
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    Iv made a bracket and installed mine. i will be selling some brackets and doing a install thread but im waiting on the water jet cutting of some more brackets. i mad a prototype bracket by hand (very time consuming) so its easier to have a batch made by machine have to wait for them to have a gap so its cheaper. not sure on price yet. ATM you can get the golf MK 6 kit from VW Rear Emblem Camera KIT - Retrofit - Golf 6 - 5K0827469AQ ULM for about $460 posted from poland this is the kit i used and is the best for the polo install as you only need to tap into 1 wire at the reverse light which even a non-mechanical minded person could do. it has all the plugs needed already wired up. there will be no need to remove the wiper motor

    The scirocco kit wont work as there is no hole in the bumper bar there in a polo. you would be better going for one that slots into the number plate light.

    im not going to go the way they did it in the link you sent me readerrOr as it requires cutting away metal form the hatch (i gave them a call and they pretty much butchered the inside of the hatch) so iv taken the concept and tweaked so its direct bolt on. also there bracket moves the badge in about 2mm, dosnt seem like much but it is noticable on the outside. my first bracket was made of alloy to keep it light but it wasnt strong enought to fully clamp and seal the camera without buckling so i hade to switch to galvinised steel. hence the delay.
    Last edited by LunchboxVRS; 19-08-2012 at 04:35 PM.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

  9. #9
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    Well Lunchbox, if that's what you'd like to be called , we were going to call that marooka audio place tomorrow but if you said they butchered it then we might steer clear.

    Their bracket looks pretty horrible to be honest.

    I don't think 2mm will break the bank for fitment.

    Well as I said, I'm your first customer etc. Do you have a ballpark price point in mind?

  10. #10
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    Marooka audio is in QLD and when i rang them to try and just get a bracket they wouldn do it as it was a once of job or "custom job" as they called it. the mentioned the had to modify the tailgate. my first bracket was just like theres (but neater) Thats when i relised what they had to modify for it to work. its probly a bit harsh to say they butchered it as the rest of there audio work looks good but im not a fan of cutting up the car if there is another way. they made it sound like a big task. the probly thought i would go to them instead of trying it myself. cant blame them, afterall they are a business.

    Price is a unknown at the moment. being in hobart there are only 2 water cuters and there full up. once theres a spot they will give me a call. the sheet is not much as i can get a 2.4x1.2m sheet for $80 and that will do over a hundred. but the cutting may not be from talks with them the chunk will be turning the prototype into a drawing in there computer. this is a charge by the hour and could take them a hour or a day. im hoping the lesser as its a simple design. interested to know what would be the max price you and otheres are willing to pay? because if the cost is to muchfor people im not going to go ahead. if i cant sell them because the price is to high for the market then ill have to cut it away

    the other thing i noticed when looking at a mates polo ( i started the process before my car arrived) was that his mounts where a little off compared to mine so having just a little bit out on the bracket added with his car being a little off mad a noticable difference. so my bracket will have a little room to move so the badge can be spot on and the camera will be straight.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

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