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Thread: Brisbane Polo Dyno Day Results - 25 August 2012

  1. #1
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    Brisbane Polo Dyno Day Results - 25 August 2012

    Guys, PM me your costs so I can add it here.

    Data Summary
    Owner KW NM $ Spent IT Start Run 1 IT End Run 1 IT Start Run 2 IT End Run 2 IT Start Run 3 IT End Run 3
    Eddy 161.297 358.956 26 44 34 56 42 64
    Jasn78 156.209 366.340 33 49 39 62 48 69
    VWIndahouse 156.319 348.637 26 45 34 52 30 50
    Sharkie 151.603 312.014 3,600 27 40 35 51 39 57
    Leitch 141.776 303.048 27 32 32 37 34 40
    Spraycanmansam 136.099 305.284 33 78 39 85 46 88
    Gotboost? 99.695 231.059 300 50 71 56 71 66 78

    Intercooler Performance - Intake Temps

    Comment: We spent a bit of time between runs 2 and 3 of VWIndahouse's Polo to get the temps down again for run3, as seen in the full logs which distorts the IT comparison a bit.

    However looking at the increase in temps in each run the performance order is:
    1. Forge - Leitch - kept temp increases amazingly low through all 3 runs.
    2. Ebay - Sharkie - outperformed the SEAT by a few degrees consistently across all 3 runs.
    3. SEAT - VWIndahouse - performed better than the APR by a few degrees consistently across all 3 runs.
    4. APR - Eddy - worst of the brand names in increase in each run.
    5. Ebay - Jasn78 - at least it is better than stock
    6. Stock - Spraycanmansam & GotBoost? - it sucks

    The Forge, incidentally was also the quickest to return to low temps. And the Ebay coolers of Sharkie and Jasn78 are of different manufacturers.

    NB: To get an idea of the boost, subtract 1000 (std air pressure) and then divide by 1000. Therefore 2400mbar = 1.4bar boost
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 08:42 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  2. #2
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    Eddy's Specs and Result.

    Eddy's Polo's specs:

    Item Description
    ECU APR Stg2
    Intake PD160
    Filter Jabbasport Cone
    MAF Stock
    Diverter APR R1
    Diverter Spring N/A
    TIP Forge
    Turbo K04
    Exhaust Manifold Stock
    Downpipe APR
    Cat High-flow
    Rear silencer APR
    Intake Manifold Stock
    Intake Manifold Gasket Stock
    Intercooler APR
    Intercooler hose APR
    Clutch EVO
    Flywheel SMF light weight
    Crank Pulley Stock
    Fuel Pressure Regulator Bosh 4 Bar
    Fuel Pump APR
    SAI Pump Stock
    N249 Valve Stock
    N75 Valve Stock
    N112 Valve Stock
    Spark Plugs Stock

    Key Data Run 1

    RPM Boost Req Boost Actual
    mbar mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR Boost Bar
    1760 1630 1350 1880 26 0.992 0.35
    1800 1640 1370 2240 26 0.984
    2160 1840 1480 2600 26 0.977
    2480 2020 1750 2960 27 0.961
    2840 2230 2220 3240 27 0.938 1.22
    3160 2350 2540 3560 27 0.906
    3440 2430 2520 3880 27 0.867 1.54
    3800 2480 2450 4240 29 0.852
    4120 2500 2420 4560 30 0.86
    4480 2400 2420 4840 33 0.828
    4880 2390 2320 5200 34 0.836
    5120 2290 2210 5600 37 0.867
    5480 2130 2180 5920 39 0.844
    5760 2020 2090 6200 40 0.836 1.0
    6080 1940 2000 6520 43 0.883
    6480 1950 1990

    Key Data Run 2

    RPM Boost Req Boost Actual
    mbar mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1880 1700 1130 1800 34 0.992
    1760 1640 1300 1800 35 0.875
    1800 1660 1390 1760 35 0.852
    1800 1650 1430 1760 36 0.86
    2080 1800 1500 2160 36 0.86
    2400 2020 1810 2520 36 0.875
    2720 2180 2280 2840 37 0.883
    3040 2360 2520 3120 38 0.852
    3360 2440 2470 3480 39 0.86
    3680 2500 2480 3800 39 0.852
    4000 2550 2490 4120 40 0.899
    4360 2490 2490 4440 42 0.844
    4720 2450 2430 4800 45 0.86
    5040 2370 2260 5120 47 0.844
    5320 2240 2280 5480 50 0.805
    5680 2080 2200 5760 52 0.75
    6000 1980 2080 6120 54 0.75
    6360 1800 2020 6400 56 0.75
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 09:07 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  3. #3
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    Eddy's Results continued ....

    Key Data Run 3

    RPM Boost Req Boost Actual
    mbar mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1760 1670 1440 1760 42 0.867
    1800 1660 1480 1760 42 0.86
    1800 1670 1490 1760 42 0.867
    1760 1660 1500 1760 42 0.867
    1760 1660 1500 1760 42 0.867
    1920 1750 1530 2080 42 0.867
    2320 1970 1780 2440 44 0.844
    2640 2160 2230 2760 45 0.867
    2920 2310 2500 3080 45 0.875
    3280 2430 2480 3360 45 0.86
    3600 2520 2500 3720 47 0.875
    3960 2550 2480 4040 48 0.875
    4280 2550 2470 4360 50 0.852
    4600 2510 2440 4680 51 0.867
    4880 2450 2320 5080 53 0.844
    5280 2260 2150 5360 56 0.805
    5520 2140 2130 5720 58 0.75
    5920 2010 2050 6000 60 0.75
    6240 1980 2030 6360 63 0.75
    6480 1820 2020 6440 64 0.75
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  4. #4
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    Jasn78's Specs and Results

    Item Description
    ECU Custom Code
    Intake Open Pod
    Filter Open Pod
    MAF Stock
    Diverter Forge DV008
    Diverter Spring Yellow
    TIP Forge
    Turbo Stock K03S
    Exhaust Manifold Stock
    Downpipe 2.5" Custom
    Cat High-flow
    Rear silencer Custom
    Intake Manifold Stock
    Intake Manifold Gasket Stock
    Intercooler FMIC - Custom
    Intercooler hose Forge
    Clutch ECS
    Flywheel ECS light weight - 14lbs
    Crank Pulley Stock
    Fuel Pressure Regulator Stock
    Fuel Pump APR
    SAI Pump Deleted
    N249 Valve Deleted
    N75 Valve Deleted
    N112 Valve Deleted
    Spark Plugs Stock - NGK PFR6Q
    Ignition Coils 2.0 TSI

    Key Data Run 1

    RPM Boost Req mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR Boost Bar
    1760 1640 1470 1760 33 0.867 0.47
    2080 2080 1570 2160 32 0.836
    2400 2280 1880 2520 32 0.828
    2720 2370 2260 2840 32 0.828
    3040 2340 2510 3160 32 0.844 1.51
    3360 2240 2510 3480 33 0.821
    3720 2230 2520 3800 33 0.821 1.52
    4040 2290 2420 4120 34 0.821
    4360 2230 2340 4440 36 0.821
    4680 2180 2240 4800 37 0.828
    5040 2150 2130 5120 39 0.813
    5320 2110 2150 5480 41 0.821
    5680 2030 1960 5800 43 0.828
    6000 1950 1920 6120 45 0.813 0.92
    6320 1920 1850 6440 48 0.821
    6480 1920 1850 6440 49 0.875
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 09:08 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  5. #5
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    Jasn78's Results Continued

    Key Data Run 2
    RPM Boost Req mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1760 1620 1510 1840 39 0.844
    2120 2160 1630 2240 39 0.836
    2440 2320 2000 2560 40 0.821
    2760 2370 2390 2880 42 0.828
    3080 2350 2540 3200 43 0.828
    3400 2250 2540 3560 45 0.821
    3720 2270 2480 3840 46 0.813
    4080 2310 2400 4160 48 0.813
    4400 2260 2330 4520 50 0.821
    4760 2230 2200 4840 51 0.821
    5080 2170 2080 5200 53 0.844
    5400 2100 2110 5520 54 0.805
    5720 2040 1980 5840 56 0.844
    6040 1950 1930 6160 58 0.836
    6400 1920 1820 6480 60 0.821
    6480 1900 1900 6600

    Key Data Run 3

    RPM Boost Req mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1800 1610 1440 1800 48 0.828
    1760 1610 1520 1760 48 0.891
    1800 1640 1540 1800 48 0.844
    2120 2150 1630 2200 49 0.828
    2440 2330 1970 2520 50 0.828
    2760 2410 2370 2880 51 0.821
    3080 2380 2540 3200 53 0.828
    3360 2290 2540 3520 54 0.821
    3720 2300 2540 3880 56 0.813
    4080 2350 2500 4200 57 0.813
    4360 2280 2360 4520 59 0.821
    4720 2240 2250 4840 61 0.828
    5040 2190 2130 5120 62 0.828
    5400 2120 2140 5480 63 0.828
    5720 2050 1990 5840 66 0.852
    6040 1950 1950 6120 67 0.828
    6360 1920 1890 6480 68 0.828
    6440 1920 1940 6480 69 0.938
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 07:07 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  6. #6
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    VWIndahouse's Specs and Results

    Item Description
    ECU Current Custom Code Stg 2
    Intake 3"CAI Duct
    Filter Modshack VTDA K&N Pod
    MAF Stock
    Diverter Forge 007
    Diverter Spring Yellow
    TIP Forge
    Turbo Stock K03S
    Exhaust Manifold ATP + HPC Coating
    Downpipe 2.5" Custom
    Cat High-flow
    Rear silencer Miltek 2.5" Catback
    Intake Manifold Stock
    Intake Manifold Gasket Phenolic
    Intercooler SEAT Sport
    Intercooler hose Forge
    Clutch ECS
    Flywheel ECS light weight - 14lbs
    Crank Pulley ECS lightweight
    Fuel Pressure Regulator Bosch 4bar
    Fuel Pump APR
    SAI Pump Deleted
    N249 Deleted
    N75 Valve Stock
    N112 Valve Deleted
    Spark Plugs NGK BKR7EKT
    Ignition Coils Stock

    Key Data Run 1

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR Boost Bar
    1760 1630 1520 1800 26 0.86 .52
    2080 2110 1640 2200 26 0.836
    2400 2250 1980 2520 26 0.821
    2720 2340 2330 2840 27 0.821
    3040 2300 2450 3160 27 0.821 1.45
    3400 2210 2450 3480 27 0.828
    3680 2230 2410 3800 27 0.813 1.41
    4040 2280 2360 4160 29 0.828
    4360 2220 2220 4440 30 0.828
    4720 2160 2210 4800 32 0.813
    5040 2110 2120 5120 33 0.828
    5360 2080 2020 5480 36 0.828
    5680 2010 2020 5800 37 0.821 1.02
    6000 1920 1890 6160 39 0.821 0.89
    6360 1900 1910 6480 42 0.821
    6480 1890 1860 6480 45 0.821
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 09:10 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  7. #7
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    VWIndahouse's results continued

    Key Data Run 2
    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1800 1610 1550 1960 34 0.891
    2200 2140 1780 2320 34 0.836
    2520 2330 2170 2640 36 0.828
    2840 2350 2470 2960 36 0.821
    3160 2300 2480 3280 36 0.821
    3520 2210 2460 3600 37 0.821
    3880 2270 2420 3920 38 0.813
    4160 2290 2370 4280 39 0.813
    4480 2210 2270 4640 39 0.828
    4800 2170 2150 4920 42 0.828
    5160 2120 2180 5240 45 0.821
    5480 2080 2040 5560 46 0.813
    5800 2020 1970 5920 48 0.821
    6120 1920 1930 6280 50 0.813
    6480 1890 1910 6440 52 0.821

    Key Data Run 3

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1800 1630 1570 1760 30 0.906
    1880 1670 1580 2040 30 0.891
    2240 2180 1850 2360 30 0.844
    2600 2350 2240 2680 31 0.836
    2960 2360 2490 3000 31 0.828
    3200 2290 2470 3320 31 0.828
    3560 2210 2430 3640 32 0.821
    3880 2280 2370 4000 33 0.821
    4200 2270 2300 4360 34 0.821
    4520 2200 2270 4640 36 0.821
    4840 2150 2150 4960 37 0.836
    5200 2110 2090 5320 39 0.828
    5520 2060 2030 5640 42 0.821
    5840 1990 1960 6000 45 0.821
    6200 1910 1900 6280 48 0.828
    6480 1890 1860 6480 50 0.828

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1800 1630 1570 1760 30 0.906
    1880 1670 1580 2040 30 0.891
    2240 2180 1850 2360 30 0.844
    2600 2350 2240 2680 31 0.836
    2960 2360 2490 3000 31 0.828
    3200 2290 2470 3320 31 0.828
    3560 2210 2430 3640 32 0.821
    3880 2280 2370 4000 33 0.821
    4200 2270 2300 4360 34 0.821
    4520 2200 2270 4640 36 0.821
    4840 2150 2150 4960 37 0.836
    5200 2110 2090 5320 39 0.828
    5520 2060 2030 5640 42 0.821
    5840 1990 1960 6000 45 0.821
    6200 1910 1900 6280 48 0.828
    6480 1890 1860 6480 50 0.828
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 07:25 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  8. #8
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    Sharkie's Specs and Results

    Item Description
    ECU APR Stg1 V2
    Intake PD160
    Filter Jabbasport Cone
    MAF Stock
    Diverter Forge Clone
    Diverter Spring Yellow + 1 shim
    TIP Forge
    Turbo Stock K03S
    Exhaust Manifold Stock
    Downpipe 2.5" Custom
    Cat High-flow
    Rear silencer Stock
    Intake Manifold Stock
    Intake Manifold Gasket Stock
    Intercooler FMIC - Custom
    Intercooler hose Stock
    Clutch Stock
    Flywheel Stock
    Crank Pulley Stock
    Fuel Pressure Regulator Stock
    Fuel Pump Stock
    SAI Pump Stock
    N249 Valve Stock
    N75 Valve Stock
    N112 Valve Stock
    Spark Plugs Stock - NGK PFR6Q
    Ignition Coils Stock

    Key Data Run 1

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR Boost Bar
    1800 1660 1440 1760 27 0.992 0.44
    2200 1900 1580 1960 27 0.977
    2520 2080 1780 2320 27 0.961
    2840 2070 2050 2640 27 0.922
    3200 2080 2100 2960 28 0.867 1.1
    3520 2080 2040 3280 28 0.813
    3840 2100 2080 3600 29 0.844
    4160 2100 2060 3960 30 0.844
    4520 2050 1990 4280 30 0.828
    4840 2010 1960 4600 32 0.844
    5160 1930 1930 4920 33 0.828
    5480 1840 1970 5280 35 0.821 0.97
    5840 1790 1790 5600 36 0.821
    6160 1780 1770 5920 37 0.797
    6480 1790 1810 6280 39 0.797
    6440 1470 1850 6480 40 0.821 0.85
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 09:11 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  9. #9
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    Sharkie's Results Continued

    Key Data Run 2
    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1760 1640 1430 1800 35 0.821
    1800 1670 1440 2000 35 0.813
    2240 1930 1650 2360 36 0.797
    2560 2100 1930 2680 36 0.828
    2880 2110 2140 3000 37 0.821
    3200 2110 2110 3320 37 0.813
    3520 2110 2110 3640 39 0.821
    3880 2140 2100 3960 39 0.821
    4200 2110 2080 4320 40 0.813
    4520 2080 2040 4640 42 0.813
    4840 2030 2030 5000 43 0.821
    5160 1950 1980 5280 45 0.828
    5520 1870 1910 5640 46 0.813
    5840 1830 1780 5960 48 0.805
    6200 1810 1810 6320 49 0.821
    6480 1820 1840 6480 51 0.813

    Key Data Run 3

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR
    1760 1660 1470 1760 39 0.821
    2000 1780 1520 2120 39 0.813
    2360 2020 1780 2440 40 0.821
    2680 2130 2080 2800 42 0.828
    2960 2140 2130 3040 42 0.821
    3320 2160 2190 3440 43 0.821
    3640 2160 2160 3760 44 0.821
    3960 2180 2150 4120 45 0.813
    4280 2130 2110 4400 46 0.805
    4600 2090 2130 4760 48 0.813
    4960 2020 1990 5120 49 0.813
    5280 1940 1970 5400 50 0.805
    5600 1870 1880 5720 51 0.821
    5920 1820 1770 6080 53 0.813
    6280 1820 1880 6360 54 0.782
    6480 1820 1840 6480 57 0.766
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 07:38 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

  10. #10
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    Leitch's Specs and Results

    Item Description
    ECU APR Stg1 V2
    Intake BMC CDA
    Filter BMC CDA
    MAF Stock
    Diverter Forge DM008
    Diverter Spring Yellow
    TIP Forge
    Turbo Stock K03S
    Exhaust Manifold Stock
    Downpipe Stock
    Cat Stock
    Rear silencer Stock
    Intake Manifold Stock
    Intake Manifold Gasket Stock
    Intercooler Forge FMIC
    Intercooler hose Forge Hose
    Clutch ECS
    Flywheel ECS light weight - 14lbs
    Crank Pulley Stock
    Fuel Pressure Regulator Stock
    Fuel Pump Stock
    SAI Pump Deleted
    N249 Valve Deleted
    N75 Valve Race
    N112 Valve Deleted
    Spark Plugs NGK BKR7EKT
    Ignition Coils Stock

    Key Data Run 1

    RPM Boost Reqd mbar Boost Actual mbar RPM Intake Temps AFR Boost Bar
    1760 1640 1360 1760 27 0.852 0.38
    1920 1710 1380 1800 27 0.852
    2320 1930 1580 2080 27 0.86
    2600 2060 1810 2400 27 0.86
    2920 2090 2080 2720 27 0.86 1.08
    3240 2110 2290 3040 27 0.86 1.29
    3560 2130 2170 3360 27 0.875
    3920 2150 2130 3680 27 0.86
    4240 2120 2130 4000 27 0.86
    4640 2050 2040 4360 27 0.852
    4920 2000 1980 4680 27 0.852
    5200 1940 1890 5000 27 0.852
    5560 1880 1790 5360 28 0.852
    5880 1810 1780 5680 29 0.86
    6200 1750 1690 6040 30 0.844
    6520 1710 1710 6320 30 0.86
    6040 1000 1740 6480 32 0.86 0.74
    Last edited by Sharkie; 26-08-2012 at 09:13 PM.
    Current: 2023 MY23 T-Roc R Lapiz Blue + Beats Audio + Black pack 2018 MY19 Golf R manual Lapiz Blue + DAP) 2018 MY18 Golf 110TSI (150TSI) Trendline manual White2014 Amarok TSI Red (tuned over 200kw + lots of extras) 2013 Up! manual Red 2017 Polo GTI manual Black Previous VWs and some others ...

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